As of Monday 23/03/20 our office will still be open but with only minimal staff. We are still working but most of our staff will now be working from home as advised by the Government. To assist with social distancing we would encourage our clients to call instead of visiting and stop the spread of the virus. This will ensure we can remain open to assist everyone through these very difficult times. Our office and staff are already set-up for remote working and we can still offer the same great level of service, just from a distance. Once this is all over we would love to see you all in our office again but until then stay safe and well.
As of 24/03/20 our office is closed to visitors. As a socially responsible business we are now working from home, we are still open for business and the office telephone has been diverted so we can still assist you and your business. Currently we have very high call and email numbers, we will reply to you but there may be a delay and we apologise for any inconvenience. Due to the closure of non essential businesses our work has changed significantly over the last week. As a result we are currently looking into which staff are necessary and appropriate for your business needs and you may notice changes but this will only be temporary during this crisis.
If you have any concerns as a result of coronavirus, the change and difficulties faced by your business please contact Rob and he will be happy to discuss your options in detail and guide you through the next few weeks or months.
Please stay safe, stay well and stay home where you can.